Burnout Blues? You Need The One Skill Everyone Overlooks

Jennifer is just like you and me – a highly competent, compassionate woman with a great career, a family she adores, and a very full life. On the outside, she looks great. You should see her Facebook photos!

On the inside, she’s cooked. Beyond done. A bunch of jangled nerves running on sheer will alone. Jennifer’s been chronically stressed out for so long that her physical and mental health are starting to become compromised. She’s about to burn out big time.

For checking all those boxes, doing all the right things, it seems all that she gets in return is exhaustion.

And she knows it, but she doesn’t know what to do about it.

Jennifer has tried to figure out how to manage her time better, how to cope better, how to practice more and better self-care. She’s read the books and gone to the workshops and even consulted a coach.

But nothing has worked, at least not for the long-term.

Can you identify with Jennifer? Yes? Then here are two questions I want you to ask yourself.
1. Where in your life are you feeling and seeing the signs of burnout and overwhelm?
2. In what circumstances/situations are you consistently over-using your resources of time, energy, and emotion?

We have to change how we think about burnout. It’s not about doing more and better. It’s about doing less of the things that zap us and more of the things that matter most to us.

What’s the answer to burnout? Boundaries!

When we set limits on the people, places, circumstances, and situations that drain our precious (and limited!) energy, time, and emotion – i.e. when we set healthy and appropriate boundaries – then we can prevent burnout and experience more energy and more freedom in our lives.

It’s all about boundaries, folks. They are essential to our well-being, and they are the best burnout blues buster I know. And that’s why I’ve created a workshop for everyone suffering from a bad case of the burnout blues.

You will leave the workshop with:
-Confidence about how to create boundaries that increase the quality of your life AND your work.
-A list of personalized, clearly defined boundaries you require to do your best work.
-What words to say to maintain these clear boundaries.
-An action plan to create the time, intention, and support you need to maintain these boundaries for the long-term.

Here are the workshop details:
What: Boundaries to Prevent Burnout
Who: Hannah Curtis, LCSW; founder of New Approaches
Where: New Approaches offices at 200 High Street, Portland, Maine
When: Wednesday, October 25th from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Cost: $95

Ready to beat burnout? For more information and to register,


PS: Jennifer isn’t you, even if your name is Jennifer, I promise. She’s a composite of about 3.9 million of us struggling with the same things!


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