Recent Guest Post by Hannah: How To Be a Drama-Free Bridesmaid

I was recently asked to guest blog for GCDSpa, a terrific local business that has personalized beauty products for every occasion. I was asked to weigh in on an important topic: how to survive (or even thrive) the in the role of bridesmaid. Here is what I had to say:

Being a bridesmaid can be a rewarding and memorable experience. You are supporting a friend or loved one as they enter into a marriage. There are pretty pictures, touching moments, and many opportunities to bond with her as she goes on this important journey. On the other hand, as too many people know, it can also be stressful, filled with conflict or disappointment, and sometimes even end a friendship for good. Most of us have heard such horror stories.

Few brides or bridesmaids start with the idea of destroying their friendship in a whirlwind of chaos and hostility. We all want the fairy tale-like wedding and not a nightmare scenario. The good news is that there are several steps that can be taken to minimize the risks and maximize the rewards that come with accepting the role of bridesmaid.

Here’s how you can fulfill this duty with grace and generosity to keep your sanity and your relationship with the bride:

Read the rest here.


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