Encouraging Words

Happiness quoteI’m working on my new website, which I’m very excited about. It should be done soon so stay tuned!

It was strongly suggested that I ask clients to contribute testimonials for the new site, as it’s a great way for potential clients to know what it’s like to work with me.

In the past, I’ve been hesitant to ask clients to do testimonials for me. I guess I felt like it was too sales-y and that people wouldn’t want to do it.

I was wrong.

Many of my clients seemed really open to doing it. Plus, I learned a lot about what people are finding valuable about the work they are doing.

Most of all, their words reinforce something very important: working on our emotions makes a huge difference in our lives.

But I’ll let you see for yourself. Here are some awesome accomplishments by clients in their own words:

“My mood and outlook on life is better than they have EVER been.”

“I can manage my daily life better.”

“After a series of EMDR I broke through a childhood trauma and now sleep better at night. There is no price on that! I am still shocked that all of that worry has been lifted.”

“The work I’ve done with Hannah has been a game changer in my day to day life. What I’ve appreciated the most about my experience with her is that she has given me the ability to be in control of something that I could never get a grip on.”

“Hannah has been an unwavering source of inspiration and encouragement that has allowed me to discover and be my best self.”

“As it turned out, going to therapy was one of the best decisions I have ever made….My life has improved immeasurably over the past year.  I rarely experience feelings of anxiety now and I am happier and more self-confident than I have ever been.”

“I feel healthier, taller, and truer to myself since starting EMDR. My experience has opened my eyes to my potential.”

“I have alternative ways to think about things which opens my mind.”

“I found Hannah at a time of need in my life. She has been amazing to work with. Her compassion, understanding, and advice have played a huge part in my finding peace with myself.”

I want to thank everyone who put their experience into words. It shows that working on oneself is incredibly valuable.

Reading these, I was inspired and humbled and I hope that others choose to make positive change as a result of these thoughtful quotes.

I also want to recognize the hard work and dedication of the clients I see. It’s really an honor and a privilege to be able to work with amazing people as they make profound changes and improve their lives.

Have you experienced a positive change as a result of some personal work you are doing? What encouraged you? What do you say to encourage others?


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