Emotional Health: Are You Proactive or Reactive?

IMG_1907We mostly accept that it’s good practice to go for a yearly physical. It’s helpful to talk with the doctor about what’s going well and where we may be off track. They take our blood pressure and run some basic blood tests so that we get a sense of how we are doing.

We do this to stay well, not because we are already sick.

We know that prevention is better than intervention. However, that logic is only extended to our physical health.

When it comes to our emotional wellbeing, far too many people wait until they are in a serious downward spiral, and only then decide that therapy might be helpful.

That’s not the best approach. It’s time to think of therapy as prevention as much as an intervention.

When should you come to therapy? The moment when you notice you are negatively impacted by any kind of change or stress in your life, or your own moods and thoughts, and the usual stuff you try isn’t effective in helping you bounce back.

As a therapist, I can tell you that early identification of problems allows me to help clients before issues become more serious.

Also, if you have ups and downs with mental health, consider coming for tune-ups or for ongoing maintenance versus only when your problems are serious.

At New Approaches, we believe emotional health is essential to overall wellbeing. We encourage you to be as proactive with your emotional health as you would be with your physical health. The two are truly interconnected. This is a practice that specializes in helping people who are interested in therapy not necessarily because they are sick but because they are committed to staying well.

Would addressing your emotional health improve your overall wellbeing?


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