Are You Healthy? How Do You Know?

Are You Healthy? How Do You Know?

Everything we do and experience involves our body. Physical and mental health are not separate things. Emotions and thoughts are physiological experiences, as much as any body process. The way we eat, move our bodies, use our minds, and experience the world are all...

Mind Your Own Business, For Your Own Sake

Mind Your Own Business, For Your Own Sake

I spend a lot of my day encouraging people to bravely and effectively speak their truths, which makes it a little weird to have this post devoted to the following message: There are lots of times when you should really shut up. I believe our words, time, emotions, and...

When You Feel Powerless

When You Feel Powerless

Powerless. Helpless. Stuck. These are some of the very worst, most unpleasant ways to feel. Too often people experiencing these emotions are hesitant to get counseling, or even talk with friends, because they feel it will “do nothing.” This is based on the belief that...

Compassion Fatigue and Tai Chi

Compassion Fatigue and Tai Chi

This is a guest post by Celia Grand of the Riverview Foundation. Many thanks to Celia for sharing this information! compassion fatigue ( fatigue, emotional distress, or apathy resulting from the constant...

Parenting: Are You a Fixer or a Guide?

Parenting: Are You a Fixer or a Guide?

It seems to me that well-meaning parents lean towards one of two strategies (but often do both): being a fixer or being a guide. Neither is wrong. Like I said, these are what caring parents do. The trick is getting the right ratio of guiding to fixing, and knowing the...

5 Tips to Get You Through the Inevitable New Mom Identity Crisis

5 Tips to Get You Through the Inevitable New Mom Identity Crisis

This week I'm over at What to Expect talking about pregnancy, motherhood, and identity. Find out about the surprising moment of panic that led me to discover how to overcome the new mom identity crisis... (click here to link to the post). It was great to be featured...

What it Takes to Stay Together

What it Takes to Stay Together

Note from Hannah: This is a long one. But hey, it's about long-term relationships. It's a summary of what I've learned in an ever-growing number of years of life and professional experience. Hope you can commit to reading it... Relationships are complicated, that’s...

Beyond Postpartum: The Surprising Benefits of Being a Mom

Beyond Postpartum: The Surprising Benefits of Being a Mom

Writer and mother extraordinaire, Lynn Shattuck, recently wrote a great piece for her blog reflecting on her postpartum experience. It was hugely popular because it hit home for many women. It brought back some memories for me, too. It took me a few weeks to regroup...

Allowing Ourselves to Feel

Allowing Ourselves to Feel

Note from Hannah: I'm pleased to feature this guest post by Jennifer Barbour of as part of the New Perspectives Series on mental health, wellness, and just being a human. Enjoy! I could feel my eyes start to sting as I fought back tears. Should I...