Get Paid What You Deserve

Get Paid What You Deserve

When you get to the point of talking money, it means you have successfully navigated most of the way through a process. Perhaps your interview was a hit, and you’ve been offered the job. Or maybe the new client saw your website and wants to work with you. It’s the...

5 Ways Speaking Up Makes Our Lives Better

5 Ways Speaking Up Makes Our Lives Better

Yesterday I had the opportunity to co-facilitate a discussion on the theme “Dare to Speak Up and Be Heard” with the organization, Women Standing Together. It was a great group of interesting, competent, accomplished women. Still, most agreed on one thing: it’s too...

Common Ways Women Undermine Their Words

Common Ways Women Undermine Their Words

"I'm sorry, Mom. These muffins are really messy," said my 3-year-old daughter a few mornings ago. It was clear she wasn't apologizing for making a mess. She was really saying, "I hate to tell you this, but these muffins you made crumble really easily." My daughter...

What Could You Gain by Becoming Effectively Frank™?

What Could You Gain by Becoming Effectively Frank™?

What if you had the ability to say with clarity, kindness, and confidence the things you really need to say? How would your life be different? How much easier would it be? How much time, energy, and frustration would be saved? I believe that we can all do better with...

Want Better Communication? Stop Pushing Buttons

Want Better Communication? Stop Pushing Buttons

I’m around little kids a lot these days. It’s amazing how early and thoroughly they learn to push our buttons. They know our weaknesses, and they aren’t afraid to use them. A very convincing cry, some irritating whining, or even a guilt trip. Man, they are good. I try...

Not Saying Has Consequences

Not Saying Has Consequences

I’ve come to believe that not saying anything is the most over-used communication strategy in couples. It’s not a bad strategy when used appropriately. For example, there are many things you might choose not to talk about because they are minor and would offend for no...

Two New Workshops this Fall

Two New Workshops this Fall

I'm pleased to announce two new mini-workshops, specifically for women, to take place in my office at 203 Anderson Street in Portland, Maine. These are intended to be small and highly interactive, so space is limited. Getting to "No" Guilt-free Tuesday, September 24th...



  Assertiveness is... caring about a situation, cause, one’s self, or a relationship enough to speak or take action when needed. preserving one’s integrity, duty, connection, or worth. well-intentioned words or actions for the benefit of truth, justice, fairness,...

Why No Is Nice

Why No Is Nice

I often hear stories about people who over-extend themselves. Maybe its making cakes for a school function, loaning money, running errands for a family member, or donating time. People often say yes when that's not what's right for them. I believe saying yes when...