
Easing Common Fears About Going to Therapy

Easing Common Fears About Going to Therapy

It's really cool when my clients help others better understand how and why therapy is helpful. I'm especially impressed with my teen clients. They are really great about sharing the news that therapy can be effective and you don't have to be "crazy" to go. People of...

Building Self-Esteem, Moment by Moment

Building Self-Esteem, Moment by Moment

I enjoy going to what I refer to as "the jungle gym for grown-ups." It reminds me of recess time. I think adults need that kind of physical recreation too. Last night I was working on my clean (its a weight lifting move) and making good progress. Some of the ladies I...

See Options, Make Changes

See Options, Make Changes

Change. That's what's on my mind. This week I have been really inspired by stories of change all around me. People always presume that my job is kind of a drag. They think that all I hear about is stuff that would ordinarily bum anybody out. Honestly, it's truly the...

Motivation, Momentum, and Play

Motivation, Momentum, and Play

I've been inspired lately by someone who works tirelessly to grow and change. She wakes in the wee hours of the morning practicing new skills for hours at a time. Everyday there are profound differences from the day before. It sounds quite tiring, and it is...

2011 Reflection/2012 Preview: Realizing Our Potential

2011 Reflection/2012 Preview: Realizing Our Potential

I experienced a lot of change personally and professionally last year. My daughter was born last January. Being a first-time parent pretty much sums up the personal changes from the last year! Professionally, I continued my ongoing study of how people make positive,...

New Year’s Resolutions Revamped

New Year’s Resolutions Revamped

There is something really inspiring about opening a fresh, clean calendar. I can see why people make New Year’s resolutions. It’s a great time for reflection. It’s healthy to want to improve a thing or two in our lives and make this next calendar year better than the...

Weekly Reflection: Emotion and Avoidance

Weekly Reflection: Emotion and Avoidance

I have the opportunity everyday to learn so much about the human experience. Not many people get to sit and talk about important topics with others for a living. I’ve decided that it might be helpful for me to reflect on some of the themes that come up again and again...

What is EMDR?

What is EMDR?

I’m really glad you asked. Okay, maybe it was me who posed the question, but it’s still a good one. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Yes, that does sound quite sci-fi. What can I say? It was discovered when Star Trek: The Next Generation...

Positive and Helpful Articles on Mental Health

Positive and Helpful Articles on Mental Health

I recently came across some very good articles in the mainstream media about mental health issues. I'm particularly impressed with a series called, "Lives Restored" from The New York Times. It is a series featuring people who have struggled with serious mental health...