Waiting for the Right Time?

Waiting for the Right Time?

I stopped blogging a few months ago to pursue what turned out to be a fairly involved personal project: baby #2. She arrived just before Thanksgiving and has brought a joyful chaos with her. I started wanting to write again a few weeks back, but there was always stuff...

Excuses, Excuses: What Gets in the Way of Attending to Your Health?

Excuses, Excuses: What Gets in the Way of Attending to Your Health?

Yesterday I wrote about what I think it means to be truly healthy. I know this kind of discussion easily lends itself to excuses and talk of how hard it is. I get it, on some level, but I really want you to be healthy. It’s too important. So humor me and read why I...

Are You Healthy? How Do You Know?

Are You Healthy? How Do You Know?

Everything we do and experience involves our body. Physical and mental health are not separate things. Emotions and thoughts are physiological experiences, as much as any body process. The way we eat, move our bodies, use our minds, and experience the world are all...

Your Time, Your Priorities

Your Time, Your Priorities

It’s a very simple truth: how you spend your minutes, hours, days, and weeks is how you spend your life. As I was avoiding writing today, I decided to get lost in the internet, then eat something even though I wasn’t hungry, and finally ask myself, what am I doing?...

Change and Motivation: Overcome the F#ck-It Factor

Change and Motivation: Overcome the F#ck-It Factor

A post for grown ups only due to realistic (okay, okay... inappropriate) language. Change is hard and maintaining motivation over a long period of time is a classic human difficulty. I believe that if you are going to invest in a key life change, you want to think...

Motivation and Change: Are You Ready and Able?

Motivation and Change: Are You Ready and Able?

This is a series on motivation and change. You can catch up with the first and second posts, which I recommend. When you decide that some change you have been contemplating is “worth it,” the next step is to decide if you are ready. You are ready if you both want to...

Motivation and Change: Is it Worth It?

Motivation and Change: Is it Worth It?

This is the second blog in the motivation series. You can catch up with the first one here. It seems to me that everyone likes to be motivated, so it may disappoint you to know that you can’t be motivated to do everything. The overachievers out there hate to admit...