It is inevitable in life that you will be faced with situations in which it is essential that you have an uncomfortable conversation. Look, I know that you want to be liked. You care about being seen as cooperative and agreeable. I get that it is a risk to come off as...
Make Lasting Memories this Mother’s Day
As we approach Mother’s Day, I want to take a moment to reflect on spirit of this holiday which exists beyond the greeting cards and the Sunday brunches. My daughter is 7 this year, and I’ve been searching for ways to help this holiday bring lasting and meaningful...
Can Respectful Disagreement Bring Us Together?
Being a therapist has taught me that to disagree effectively is to build connection and unity. Talking in-depth for thousands of hours with dozens, if not hundreds, of people has had a profound impact on me. I am wiser, stronger, and happier than I would be otherwise,...
When You Feel Powerless
Note from Hannah: This post is being republished post-election after many people reported feeling hopeless and powerless. I hope it is of some help. Powerless. Helpless. Stuck. These are some of the very worst, most unpleasant ways to feel. Too often people...
Love, Process, and Letting Go: What I Learned as My Daughter Made Valentines
“It will take one hundred years!” I said a bit (okay, a lot) immaturely to my 5 year-old daughter mimicking her usual phrase. She wanted to trace, cut out, decorate, and write names on 19 homemade heart-shaped valentines for her nursery school classmates. Wanting to...
Is Striving Keeping You from Thriving?
Do you hold yourself to high standards? Do you value quality work and good follow through from others? Do you expect the same of yourself? I can relate. I spent much of my life through early adulthood gripping white knuckled to these values. What were supposed to be...
Do You Need to Be Right?
The motivation is clear: it can feel so good, so powerful to be "right." But is it really worth it? What do you gain? The truth is: you can pursue being right but at the cost of being unhappy. Basically, if you approach conversations, dialogue, or arguments with the...
Excuses, Excuses: What Gets in the Way of Attending to Your Health?
Yesterday I wrote about what I think it means to be truly healthy. I know this kind of discussion easily lends itself to excuses and talk of how hard it is. I get it, on some level, but I really want you to be healthy. It’s too important. So humor me and read why I...
Mind Your Own Business, For Your Own Sake
I spend a lot of my day encouraging people to bravely and effectively speak their truths, which makes it a little weird to have this post devoted to the following message: There are lots of times when you should really shut up. I believe our words, time, emotions, and...