Can People Really Change?

Can People Really Change?

I'm always a little surprised when I'm asked, "Can people really change?" Yes, people can really change. And if you'll excuse the double negative, I'd say people can't not change. While I'm not an expert on too many things, my humble observation is that everything...

Comfort Through Connection

Comfort Through Connection

It has been dreary here in Maine this October. It’s easy to feel down when the darkness, cold and rain are present, especially after a bright and beautiful summer. Naturally, we all want to find some comfort and warmth to ease the damp chill outside. I’ve noticed that...

The Truth About Procrastination

The Truth About Procrastination

I have always heard from self-proclaimed procrastinators that they “need the pressure in order to perform.” I used to accept this as a legitimate reason to procrastinate, feeling that if it works for people then it’s fine. But somewhere down the line, this way of...

Pre-start to Prevent Procrastination

Pre-start to Prevent Procrastination

It's back to school week here in lovely Portland, Maine. Whether you are a student or not, it seems like an appropriate time to revamp work habits. Last week I detailed my dislike of procrastination and this week I think it is high time we do something about it. It's...

Olympic-sized Inspiration

Olympic-sized Inspiration

I love the Olympics. I remember as a child first understanding what the Olympic games were all about: triumph, perseverance, hard work, excellence, focus, and dedication. It was probably the first sense of awe I ever experienced. There is so much about what it means...

Stepping Back

Stepping Back

One of the things I love about summer is that the pace of life slows down. There are more opportunities for recreation and leisure. It just feels right to sit on the porch in the evening, as if that counts as an activity. There is a little more room to breathe. I...

Letting Go of Outcomes

Letting Go of Outcomes

I've learned, mostly the hard way, that I don't know what the best outcome is for another person. That probably sounds weird for a therapist to say. There is a general sense that you go to therapy for someone to tell or "guide" you to a particular outcome. But that's...

Very Curious

Very Curious

I know the saying about the cat, but really I'm interested in who killed curiosity. I could probably blame standardized testing or the ability to know all instantly with the internet. Regardless of the suspect(s), I would like to advocate for regaining some respect...

(Not So) Great Expectations

(Not So) Great Expectations

I was invited to do my very first guest post on the fabulous another jennifer blog. Here it is: My daughter is a young toddler now. On a recent family outing around town, she decided to keep in her hand, through a few stores and the intervening car rides, an oversized...