Down with Deprivation

Down with Deprivation

I will admit, as I am often forced to do (particularly when confronted with pop culture references), that I shelter myself a bit. The truth is that I can easily lose my footing and own sense of self when I consume too much media. It is hard to distinguish what I want...

Feelings About Feelings

Feelings About Feelings

As a therapist, I find that the cause of many mental health issues is not the emotion one naturally feels about an event or situation, it is the reaction to this initial or primary emotion. Often for people experiencing panic, it is the fear or embarrassment of having...

Mistakes and How We Respond to Them

Mistakes and How We Respond to Them

In elementary school, our art teacher would coax us into making some unintended dribble or scribble into a "happy mistake." I was not receptive. I would rather have started over so that I might have some pristine piece of art when I was done. A quarter of a century...

The Worthiness Crisis

The Worthiness Crisis

Okay, so this topic is bigger than a blog post can contain, but it's a start. I'm so worried about this problem, I need to start talking about it every place I can. The problem: many people, and most notably young people, feel that their worth is in question. They (or...

Taking the Fear Out of Change

Taking the Fear Out of Change

Some of you might know that I'm really into helping my clients make changes. But I am also very aware that change can feel scary and overwhelming. If you are torn between wanting to make changes, but feeling like it's just too big of a job, you are not alone. I often...

Making Breakthroughs in Therapy

Making Breakthroughs in Therapy

I get excited when clients make breakthroughs. They are also really excited, and so we both feel terrific. This week, a client pointed out that not every session contains a breakthrough. "That's true," I admitted. It got me thinking about the importance of having a...

How Life is NOT Like the Super Bowl

How Life is NOT Like the Super Bowl

  I like sports well enough, even though I’m not a die-hard fan of any particular team (although I certainly have a Boston loyalty like a lot of Mainers- we used to occupy the same colony, you know). There are a lot of very valuable life lessons that we can learn...

Outsmart Depression

Outsmart Depression

It's dreary today here in Maine. The cold and dark is beginning to wear on everyone. It is especially hard for those diagnosed with depression. Depression is a serious diagnosis that requires treatment. For more information on depression, check out the National...

Easing Common Fears About Going to Therapy

Easing Common Fears About Going to Therapy

It's really cool when my clients help others better understand how and why therapy is helpful. I'm especially impressed with my teen clients. They are really great about sharing the news that therapy can be effective and you don't have to be "crazy" to go. People of...