
The Exhausted Teacher’s Guide to a Rejuvenating Summer Break

The Exhausted Teacher’s Guide to a Rejuvenating Summer Break

When you are a teacher at the end of the school year, it can be hard to put one foot in front of the other. You so badly want to be DONE already, but you still feel that pressure to pull off incredibly engaging and meaningful year-end activities. It’s no wonder that...

Make Lasting Memories this Mother’s Day

Make Lasting Memories this Mother’s Day

As we approach Mother’s Day, I want to take a moment to reflect on spirit of this holiday which exists beyond the greeting cards and the Sunday brunches. My daughter is 7 this year, and I’ve been searching for ways to help this holiday bring lasting and meaningful...

Spotlight on Laura Watters, LCPC

Spotlight on Laura Watters, LCPC

Laura Watters, LCPC joined New Approaches last fall and has quickly shown herself to be an absolute rockstar therapist. I sat down with her to talk more about her approach and why she is so darned popular with clients. Here's what she had to say: How would you...

How to F#ck It-Proof Your Goal

How to F#ck It-Proof Your Goal

A note from Hannah: As you already saw, there is some slightly disguised adult language in this post. (That makes it fun, right?)  I started running yesterday in preparation for a 15K in 6 weeks. Yes, that's right, it's 6 weeks away and I started yesterday.  I...

Big Fat Lies Smart Women Believe

Big Fat Lies Smart Women Believe

What if you are making key life decisions based on lies and bad information? I was. I used to think that being exceptional at everything I do, hiding my short-comings, and doing “it all” would get me what I wanted most: confidence, ease, fulfillment and the courage to...

Three Strategies for Busting Through Apathy

Three Strategies for Busting Through Apathy

I am excited to share today's guest post from Kim Lloyd of Kim Lloyd Fitness. If you are like me, March is feeling less than inspiring. Whether you need to take on your emotional health or fitness goals (and those are related!), check out Kim's awesome advice:...

Meet Mallory!

Meet Mallory!

We are very pleased to announce that we now have a fabulous intern, Mallory Zwerdling! A message from Mallory: "As your counselor my greatest desire is to understand your unique circumstances and help you reach a place of personal fulfillment. My style is...

3 Ways to Practice Positive Parenting

3 Ways to Practice Positive Parenting

Parenting is a beautiful, rewarding, and challenging undertaking. It’s easy to second guess yourself as a parent, and you sometimes wonder if you are doing all you can to give your child the love and guidance she needs. The good news is that we all have the tools we...

3 Ways to Protect Yourself from Assholery (Without Saying a Word)

3 Ways to Protect Yourself from Assholery (Without Saying a Word)

They’re everywhere: the people who suck up energy with their negativity. I bet you hear as many stories as I do about the mean and insensitive things these difficult and exhausting people say and do. Now I understand very well that miserable people are that way for a...